So Jeremy and I had a very good time up in Tahoe. The weather was pretty chilly, so we stayed indoors most of the time, which was okay because it was cozy and nice to just relax...and there was TV, which we're not used to. We got all caught up on the political nonsense...yet another reminder why I'm happy to not have television! It's just too depressing watching that stuff! We visited my old community college and saw all of the changes it's undergone--it has grown a LOT since I was there like 12-13 years ago. Man how time flies!! We had some wonderful food out, watched a movie, An American Carol, went to Starbucks a few times. All in all it was nice and relaxing...especially the jacuzzi tub! Ahhhh....
The kids all did well too. Luke was a bit overwrought with being busy with Grandma and Papa. He didn't get his normal nap every day like he's used to, but he was a good sport about it. Savannah lost ANOTHER tooth while we were up there too. Now she doesn't have any more loose ones so we should be good for a while! It was nice to know that Luke was fine without me there. What a relief...and an open door for hopefully more time with my husband in the future! YAY! Not that we'll get away again any time soon, but it's good to know that it's a possibility.
My parents took the kids to Apple Hill and my dad got lots of photos, but I haven't gotten them from him, so I don't have any to post. I do, however, have some photos from the
pumpkin patch/dairy farm we visited the other day. We got to sample cheese and butter (Jersey Cow chesse and butter!), go on a hay ride, go through a hay maze and get this: MILK A COW!! How fun! The girls really enjoyed it! We picked out a couple of pumpkins too. It was a fun day. I went with some homeschooling friends of mine and it was really funny because while we were there, one of the local Christian Schools in this area was there too--so I saw a bunch of people I know there (weird because this place isn't particularly close to my house), and later I saw a neighbor of mine there too.
I guess that's enough updating for now. Abby is so excited that her birthday is the day after tomorrow. She can barely contain herself. I told her I'd take her to a big toy store in Petaluma on her birthday and let her pick something out. She's also got a ton of money she's been saving from allowance and what she got for her birthday so far (Thank you Great-Grandma and Grandpa McEfee and Great-Grandma and Grandpa Troyer). Money is sure to please these days! :)
So here are some photos from the dairy farm and also of Abby today, all dressed up and ready to be "5"!!