Wow, it really seems like all I'm talking about lately is Luke. Don't get me wrong, the girls are not lacking in interesting things, there are just less milestones at their least remarkable ones. They're of course doing awesome thing...and are just all around awesome children. I promise I'll dedicate a post to each of them in the VERY near future. They're at Papa and Grandmas house now it's just been me and Luke and it's been kinda nice...well, kinda.
I took Luke to the doctor today because he has been SO fussy and funky. He's got an ear infection. Today I could tell that he was starting to feel better though...he was doing his signature "spin like a maniac on your tummy" maneuver so I knew he had to be doing better. Yesterday he actually took a nap ON me. I don't think he's ever done that...and if he has, it was when he was TINY. He was so fussy about 45 minutes after he woke up for the day, and I couldn't handle I thought I'd try rocking him. He fell asleep and slept nicely on me. It was pretty sweet...and I figured I'd take advantage of the fact that the girls aren't here and just enjoy his sweet babyness. It was nice. So, on his birthday he said very clearly, "MAMA". He's said it a couple more times...but not super obvious that he's referring to me unless he's really upset, then it's definitely a "MAAAA-MAAAA" cry for me. Did I mention he LOVES his mama?? He's kinda attached to me. It's pretty sweet though, I don't mind having a Mama's boy!! As long as he's plenty manly when he gets older! :)
But the word he is saying clearly and very intentionally is, "HI". It's so cute. The phone rings and he says, "HI"...Jeremy walked into the room yesterday and he said, "HI". Awwwwhhhh...I love baby talk.
Okay, I've got a date with Jeremy to play Wii, I had better go.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Birthday to Luke!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Lukes new trick...
Well Luke is at it again. I tell ya, at this age they just learn things so quickly. As I posted before, Luke has been waving and saying, "Hi, Hi", well the other night I was holding him and blowing kisses to the girls as I do every night as part of our bedtime routine...and Luke put his hand to his mouth and blew kisses too!! Awwwwhhhh!! Now he's doing it all the time. Sometimes though he just has to lean over and get me with a nice, wet, slimy smacker-roo!! He's a sweet kisser!! And to date he STILL has no teeth!!
Speaking of teeth...Savannah's grown-up tooth is getting so close to being all the way in! I'll have to take a picture of it tomorrow and post it! She's just getting so grown up!
Sadly, that's all I've got for now. Jeremy is working late, Luke wouldn't go right to sleep tonight and I didn't sleep well last I'm off to take a shower and hit the hay! I'll update again soon, of course...hopefully my brain will work and I can find some stuff to write about! Not that there's ever a lack of content...just a lack of brainpower to turn the "stuff" into readable prose.
Speaking of teeth...Savannah's grown-up tooth is getting so close to being all the way in! I'll have to take a picture of it tomorrow and post it! She's just getting so grown up!
Sadly, that's all I've got for now. Jeremy is working late, Luke wouldn't go right to sleep tonight and I didn't sleep well last I'm off to take a shower and hit the hay! I'll update again soon, of course...hopefully my brain will work and I can find some stuff to write about! Not that there's ever a lack of content...just a lack of brainpower to turn the "stuff" into readable prose.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Funny Abby-ism.
My dad is constantly lamenting the fact that the girls never seem to have time for him. They're busy kids, and talking on the phone is not their forte. Give Papa to them in person and they're on him like velcro, but the phone is different. They have to focus and not play. So yesterday Abby is talking to my dad on the phone and she gets distracted...she looks at the phone and says to herself, "Hmmmm....where's the Pause button?" Like she's just going to put my dad on PAUSE while she continues doing what she's doing. Silly girl. Wouldn't it be nice if life worked like that though? I'd love the opportunity to put everything on pause for a good week...get caught up, organized, rested. *Sigh* I guess "pause" is retirement...the time will come one day...when I'm not so needy for it anymore! Isn't that just the way it works? I was thinking about that the other day...our church has so many WOMEN'S programs. Yes, they're fine and dandy, but many of them don't have childcare. What do we ladies with small children do? We don't go. And we're the most needy at this point in our lives. I do have to praise God for the chaotic life of early mommy-hood though, because what better way to truly appreciate time (or lack thereof) and how quickly it slips through our fingers...and how non-essential it really is to have a SPARKLING clean home...or complete sanity for that matter. If we weren't half insane, perhaps we'd just be housework drones who were no fun to our kids...who said partial insanity is all that bad? It just helps me to keep it focus on the simple pleasures in life.
Monday, March 3, 2008
A conversation with Savannah...
S: Do martians say, "Beep, beep, beep?"
M: There are no such things as martians.
S: Yes there are.
M: Does the Bible say anything about God creating martians?
S: God created everything.
M: Yes He did, but does the Bible say anything about Him creating martians?
S: Yes.
M: I don't know what version you're reading, but my Bible doesn't say that.
S: I'm reading the get it at the public library. It says "God created the heavens and the earth and a big moon, covered with martians.
Hahahahaha...oh my goodness...what in the world?? She is too funny...and the fact that she said you get it at the PUBLIC library. I just about died laughing!!
The other day the girls were discussing who they were going to marry. Abby said she's going to marry Jared (a boy down the street we really have little contact with. I asked her why and she said, "I don't know, I just am." Savannah chimes in with, "I'm going to marry Ethan" (another boy down the street who she plays with regularly) I asked her why and she says, "Well, he's the only Christian boy around." Wow...let's hope she keeps that up...although I hope she marrys a Christian boy--for LOVE, not just because he's the only one never know though, with the way our world is going it may come down to that. Let's pray not!
M: There are no such things as martians.
S: Yes there are.
M: Does the Bible say anything about God creating martians?
S: God created everything.
M: Yes He did, but does the Bible say anything about Him creating martians?
S: Yes.
M: I don't know what version you're reading, but my Bible doesn't say that.
S: I'm reading the get it at the public library. It says "God created the heavens and the earth and a big moon, covered with martians.
Hahahahaha...oh my goodness...what in the world?? She is too funny...and the fact that she said you get it at the PUBLIC library. I just about died laughing!!
The other day the girls were discussing who they were going to marry. Abby said she's going to marry Jared (a boy down the street we really have little contact with. I asked her why and she said, "I don't know, I just am." Savannah chimes in with, "I'm going to marry Ethan" (another boy down the street who she plays with regularly) I asked her why and she says, "Well, he's the only Christian boy around." Wow...let's hope she keeps that up...although I hope she marrys a Christian boy--for LOVE, not just because he's the only one never know though, with the way our world is going it may come down to that. Let's pray not!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Boys vs. Girls
It's so strange the things that are just written into our genetic codes. My girls are definitely girls, emotional, whiny, like to cook and do other domestic things. I have a good friend who has a little girl who got for her first birthday a little baby doll. My friend thought she was WAY too young for such a thing, but that little one took hold of the doll and started carrying it around, giving it hugs and acting like a little mommy. It's amazing! Luke isn't even one yet...and he naturally gravitates towards cars and the like. He loves his cars and is always so curious how things work. He even, at his young age, already makes brrrrm, brrrm noises!! It's SO cute...and SOOOO boy-like. I just love it. God is awesome and the way He designed us to be so different yet so complementary as male and female is astounding.
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