I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted here. I have to admit, I've gotten on the Facebook bandwagon and all but forgot about my blog, I'm so ashamed!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving...it was a bit disjointed since we did Thanksgiving with both families in the same day--WHEW! I don't think I'll do that one again! But we had a good time nevertheless. We were at Grandma and Papa's house for almost a week and really enjoyed gorgeous weather and good company. The night before Thanksgiving, I was in the kitchen getting some stuff prepped for the next day and I looked out the window and MY BROTHER was standing outside, looking in! I was SHOCKED! He wasn't going to come up and was the LAST person I'd expect to see looking in at me through the window. He's lucky he didn't give me a heart attack! So we were all super thrilled to see him and be able to spend time with him. He's back to work full time with the Coast Guard and has also started seminary this year. He's BUSY to say the least, so we really don't get to see him as much as we would like.
I recently designed a website for a friend of mine http://www.thkconstruction.com and made a little money--so I bought something I've been wanting for a VERY long time, a dslr camera. I'm in LOVE!! I have become totally obsessed with photography and am really enjoying learning more each day. My girls have been wonderful modeling for me, Luke is another story...every time I get the camera on him, he turns his back on me...little stinker!
Our weather has been absolutely gorgeous. I really wish we didn't need rain, because if it could be like this all year round, I'd be all for it! Let's see, what else. I don't know that there is a whole lot more to report. That's always the way it happens when I try to summarize an entire month in one post...I forget all of the cute and pithy details. I'll try to be better in the future!