We just got our first big storm of the season. Usually it doesn't snow that awfully much here, but this storm was a doozy! In one day we got 2.5 feet of snow and the storm knocked out power for 5100 PG&E customers...we were out for 3 days! The last day of our power outage we all awoke, disappointed that the power had not yet come on, and I flushed the toilet and it was awfully quiet. Yes, the pipes had frozen and we had no electricity, no water and the phone kept acting weird. It was quite the experience...one I'm glad we had and I hope to God we don't have again.
I've been getting into the Christmas spirit, the house is beautifully decorated (hmmm, I should take photos one of these days), we've been listening to Christmas music and baking Christmas cookies. We got our tree from a local tree farm and had a good ol' time doing it. The people who ran the farm were wonderful, and so helpful. The man had a Kawasaki Mule and a chainsaw, so the work was virtually non-existent! My kind of Christmas tree cutting! I had my dad come and put the lights on the tree for me, I was just not in the mood this year. Usually I'm the one who does that, but there has been a lot on my plate and sometimes I have to just give in and let others help. The tree is beautiful though. Now that the power is back on, the children have enjoyed watching Christmas movies. The only ones we have are the Classics (Rudolph, Santa Claus is coming to town, Frosty the Snowman) and Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas. I bought the Veggie Tales St. Nicholas DVD this year. I'd like to have a larger selection, but I'm just not there yet. Thankfully the children don't mind watching the same ones over and over again.
As usual, when I find the time to sit here and blog, my inspiration is seriously lacking...all day long I think of things to write, and when the time comes, it's late, I'm tired and I forget!! Oh, I do have two things that I wanted to remember, so I had better document them now before I forget:
The other day we were out grocery shopping. It was 3pm or so (Luke's nap time), but since Luke is getting older and bedtime just goes so much more smoothly when he's tired, we haven't been doing daily naps anymore (he takes about 3 or so a week). So we were at Safeway and we were all thirsty, so we went up to the little Starbucks place there to get ice water for all of us. I decided I needed a Chai Latte to get me through the rest of the day. As we're standing there (Luke is sitting in the cart), he begins to throw a major tantrum...but it wasn't just yelling and screaming, he was actually yelling AT me, "I WANT COFFEE...YA HEAR ME?? GIVE ME COFFEE!!!" It was all I could to keep from cracking up...what a sight to see a 2 year old demanding his COFFEE!! I mean, that isn't too terribly far fetched for someone such as myself, but for a two year old, it's downright hilarious! No, I did NOT get him coffee (in his defense, I often let him have coffee with me in the morning--heavy on the creamer, light on the actual coffee).
Luke now insists that he is no longer my sweet "baby", he is now, "Big Lukie". Although, as a friend of mine pointed out...technically he can't graduate to that until he's done with his pacifier and is no longer soiling his britches! Hahaha...oh, and for the FIRST time today he told me that the baby in my tummy was a "girl" as he's always insisted, BUT he said he's going to have a baby "brother". We've got another month or so until we find out!! The other day out of the clear blue he blurted out, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!". HOW CUTE!! :) He's said it before when prompted, but this time was totally unsolicited.
I'll have to post a video when I get it from my dad. He got a video of Luke and I sledding down the driveway together today. It was a blast. We did it about 6 times or so...in between shoveling and cutting down tree branches that were blocking the driveway. I'm very happy to see this snow melting, but it's been so much fun to see the children having such a blast playing in it! They all go out and stay out until their little hands are popsicles...then we come in, watch a Christmas movie and drink hot cocoa. It's wonderful to be able to do that...to be home with my precious babies. What a blessing.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The First Day of Advent
I'm so excited that we can "officially" start our countdown to Christmas...although honestly, I've had my little counter thingy ticking down since before Thanksgiving! I just love this time of year so much. Last night I was listening to Family Life Today with Dennis and Barbara Rainey (it's a great show and it comes on right after Adventures in Odyssey, which is what we usually listen to during dinner) and they were talking about how to make this advent season meaningful. One of the suggestions they said was reading 1 chapter of Luke each day (since there are 24 chapters), so we're going to go with that...and I'm going to hunt around and see what I can find to make this season extra special. I always have high hopes for the Christmas season...and of course I want to keep our focus on Jesus and the gift that He is...but I also want to work hard on creating memories for me and my children this season. Each year I strive for so much, and each season I fall short. I always seem to put things off..."next year will be better...", but as someone pointed out to me, one day I'm going to wake up and my children will be grown and these sweet "wonder years" will be past. I don't want to take them for granted. I want to make THIS the best Christmas season ever, and then continue to build on the traditions we start this year, so when my children look back over their childhood and think of the Christmas season, they are filled with joy...and they know that we put Jesus at the center of our celebration.
**Photos to follow soon**
I'm so excited that we can "officially" start our countdown to Christmas...although honestly, I've had my little counter thingy ticking down since before Thanksgiving! I just love this time of year so much. Last night I was listening to Family Life Today with Dennis and Barbara Rainey (it's a great show and it comes on right after Adventures in Odyssey, which is what we usually listen to during dinner) and they were talking about how to make this advent season meaningful. One of the suggestions they said was reading 1 chapter of Luke each day (since there are 24 chapters), so we're going to go with that...and I'm going to hunt around and see what I can find to make this season extra special. I always have high hopes for the Christmas season...and of course I want to keep our focus on Jesus and the gift that He is...but I also want to work hard on creating memories for me and my children this season. Each year I strive for so much, and each season I fall short. I always seem to put things off..."next year will be better...", but as someone pointed out to me, one day I'm going to wake up and my children will be grown and these sweet "wonder years" will be past. I don't want to take them for granted. I want to make THIS the best Christmas season ever, and then continue to build on the traditions we start this year, so when my children look back over their childhood and think of the Christmas season, they are filled with joy...and they know that we put Jesus at the center of our celebration.
**Photos to follow soon**
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Settling (in more ways than one)
We have now been in our home for over a month and I'm starting to feel a bit more settled. It was a very rough start, but I don't think anything goes particularly smoothly when you're feeling nauseous and tired all the time. I'm now 10+ weeks pregnant and the yucky symptoms are starting to subside (praise the Lord!) and I'm feeling much more human again. The other night I actually cooked a home-made meal! I'm so ashamed to admit that we've been eating frozen meals pretty much the entire time we've been here. I had been feeling so yucky that I couldn't even decided WHICH frozen meals to buy because everything looked gross. Thankfully the children are more than content to eat mac n cheese and Spaghetti-O's nearly every meal...although I feel like the worst mom in the world feeding them that way. So the other night I made spaghetti. I was going to make meatballs to go with, but I couldn't stand the thought of handling the meat, so I just cooked it up and added sauce to it. Just looking at the meat nearly sent me to the bathroom for a little gag-fest, but I made it through. I wasn't this sick with any of my other pregnancies (I still have yet to throw up during pregnancy, but I've been pretty nauseous and have gagged a couple of times). I don't know if I've been more nauseous because I've been more busy with being alone with 3 children, or if it's each additional pregnancy that gets worse or what the deal is. I have my first appointment on the 24th of November and I can't wait to see this little bean and have some reassurance that I'm actually pregnant and not just sick and crazy!
I was able to get a plane ticket for Jeremy to come home for Christmas. I feel like I now have a sense of hope, something to look forward to. The ticket was $675, but I think it'll be worth it! :) Besides, my WONDERFUL brother sent us $100 toward the ticket too, what a kind hearted gesture! I was also incredibly blessed today when I sent a little prayer up to the Lord and asked for His help to find the $330 cash I hadn't been able to find since we moved. It was my Christmas fund and I was really, really hoping it hadn't gotten lost. I was in the girl's closet helping them straighten up and I opened up a box that I had packed my "junk" drawer into and there was my tea tin, with my money inside! Thank you JESUS!!! :) Now I'm ready to start the Christmas shopping!
Well, we're going to my parents house in a few minutes. This will be the first time we've spent the night there since we've lived here...we're going to try going to church with them in the morning (the service starts at 8:15--UGGH!!). We've been going to church up here in the church Jeremy and I got married in, but it's somewhat uninspiring (no offense). There aren't many children and although I know my children don't NEED other children, it'd be fun for them if there was a bit more for them to be involved in. I'm not sure if we're going to stick with the one my parents go to though, it's very early on a weekend...and it's a ways away. They do have a Christmas program for the children though, and that'd be fun to see.
Savannah, Abby and Luke are all doing very well. I think everyone is adjusted to our new living situation. It's much cooler here, and definitely a different environment, but they seem to be having a good time. Yesterday we walked to the post office and met up with a girl from church. She came over for a "play date" and the girls were so happy to have another child to play with. I'm not so sure though...there were a few tears when one child didn't want to play the same thing as another. That's something I don't usually deal with with just my two girls. They're usually into playing the same things. Other than the little squabbles (usually between Luke and Abby), it's usually quite peaceful around here...something I'm enjoying immensely!
I'm praying for our future and where the Lord is leading our family. We have no idea where He will bring us, but I'm trusting that wherever we go is exactly where He wants us. I've discovered being here that just because you're near family doesn't exactly mean they want you around. I'm much more lonely here with my family around than I was with just my friends. I had never realized the blessing of good friends until I lived in Novato. I had never had good, close, Christian friends until recently...and those friendships have meant the world to me. Even the support system of our military family has been invaluable. I can't say that my family isn't still super important to me, but I'm learning that just because we're family doesn't mean that they're going to meet all of my needs--especially those needs that are truly met by good friends in the same life situation as myself. So if nothing else, the Lord is teaching me to treasure the wonderful people He has brought into my life...because they are truly a blessing from above.
I was able to get a plane ticket for Jeremy to come home for Christmas. I feel like I now have a sense of hope, something to look forward to. The ticket was $675, but I think it'll be worth it! :) Besides, my WONDERFUL brother sent us $100 toward the ticket too, what a kind hearted gesture! I was also incredibly blessed today when I sent a little prayer up to the Lord and asked for His help to find the $330 cash I hadn't been able to find since we moved. It was my Christmas fund and I was really, really hoping it hadn't gotten lost. I was in the girl's closet helping them straighten up and I opened up a box that I had packed my "junk" drawer into and there was my tea tin, with my money inside! Thank you JESUS!!! :) Now I'm ready to start the Christmas shopping!
Well, we're going to my parents house in a few minutes. This will be the first time we've spent the night there since we've lived here...we're going to try going to church with them in the morning (the service starts at 8:15--UGGH!!). We've been going to church up here in the church Jeremy and I got married in, but it's somewhat uninspiring (no offense). There aren't many children and although I know my children don't NEED other children, it'd be fun for them if there was a bit more for them to be involved in. I'm not sure if we're going to stick with the one my parents go to though, it's very early on a weekend...and it's a ways away. They do have a Christmas program for the children though, and that'd be fun to see.
Savannah, Abby and Luke are all doing very well. I think everyone is adjusted to our new living situation. It's much cooler here, and definitely a different environment, but they seem to be having a good time. Yesterday we walked to the post office and met up with a girl from church. She came over for a "play date" and the girls were so happy to have another child to play with. I'm not so sure though...there were a few tears when one child didn't want to play the same thing as another. That's something I don't usually deal with with just my two girls. They're usually into playing the same things. Other than the little squabbles (usually between Luke and Abby), it's usually quite peaceful around here...something I'm enjoying immensely!
I'm praying for our future and where the Lord is leading our family. We have no idea where He will bring us, but I'm trusting that wherever we go is exactly where He wants us. I've discovered being here that just because you're near family doesn't exactly mean they want you around. I'm much more lonely here with my family around than I was with just my friends. I had never realized the blessing of good friends until I lived in Novato. I had never had good, close, Christian friends until recently...and those friendships have meant the world to me. Even the support system of our military family has been invaluable. I can't say that my family isn't still super important to me, but I'm learning that just because we're family doesn't mean that they're going to meet all of my needs--especially those needs that are truly met by good friends in the same life situation as myself. So if nothing else, the Lord is teaching me to treasure the wonderful people He has brought into my life...because they are truly a blessing from above.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Missing Jeremy
Jeremy has officially been gone for a week and a half, but it seems more like a year and a half. As soon as we got moved into this place, everyone left--Jeremy and my parents. I've been alone ever since, trying to unpack, get settled and be the best mommy I can be, as well as deal with nausea, sleepless nights with my two year old terror and the basic overwhelm of being in a new home, alone, with no friends, no family and my 3 children. It's been a blast.
Now I don't want to sound like a big whiner or anything, I am incredibly blessed and don't want to take those blessings for granted. More than anything I want to be able to come back to this years from now and remember what I was going through at this time in my life. Every part of life is a journey...some are easier than others and some are more fun, but all of them are for a purpose and intended to develop character and a closer walk with Jesus--if I'll allow for it. It sure would be nice if these benefits could come at a lower price though! I'll be honest about that.
On an up note, I found out recently that two of my best friends are also pregnant...one is due right before me and one right after. It's so exciting to have them to go through this with. One of them is pregnant with #3 and the other with #1, so it's so fun to share experiences and to be able to be a source of wisdom, if you will, with the first time mommy.
We're slowly getting back into the groove of school. Today was the first day we actually did any "real" school work, and even so, it was pretty bare-bones. I haven't found all of my school books, so I'm kinda concerned. I'm missing my girls readers as well as one of my favorite parenting books (Keeping Your Children's Hearts), so I'm really hoping to find them--soon! I taught Savannah carrying today. She just doesn't have a brain for math. It doesn't come naturally to her like reading and language do...and she isn't quite grasping the concepts that our current math curriculum is trying to teach, so we went for the old fashioned "line the numbers up and add from right to left, carrying when necessary". What's wrong with that method anyway?? I don't quite understand why math has to be made so complicated. I'm hoping that simplifying it will help her out a bit. By the end of our lesson, she was doing great.
Well, tomorrow is my least-favorite holiday of the year: Halloween. I'm excited to see what my girls come up with for costumes though. I decided that I will NOT spend money on costumes, so they can pick and choose from what they have in their closets...it should be fun. Of course we have dress up clothes from years ago too, so I think we're going to see if we can find the old bumble bee costume for Luke! It should be cute. I'll take photos and post them soon.
Well, since I'm not Miss. Energy these days, I had better take a shower and hit the hay. I'll go to bed tonight counting my blessings (of which there are many) and trying to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, and His wonderful plans for a hope and a future for this family...and pray that I might be able to stay positive and endure these current hardships with JOY, knowing that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Now I don't want to sound like a big whiner or anything, I am incredibly blessed and don't want to take those blessings for granted. More than anything I want to be able to come back to this years from now and remember what I was going through at this time in my life. Every part of life is a journey...some are easier than others and some are more fun, but all of them are for a purpose and intended to develop character and a closer walk with Jesus--if I'll allow for it. It sure would be nice if these benefits could come at a lower price though! I'll be honest about that.
On an up note, I found out recently that two of my best friends are also pregnant...one is due right before me and one right after. It's so exciting to have them to go through this with. One of them is pregnant with #3 and the other with #1, so it's so fun to share experiences and to be able to be a source of wisdom, if you will, with the first time mommy.
We're slowly getting back into the groove of school. Today was the first day we actually did any "real" school work, and even so, it was pretty bare-bones. I haven't found all of my school books, so I'm kinda concerned. I'm missing my girls readers as well as one of my favorite parenting books (Keeping Your Children's Hearts), so I'm really hoping to find them--soon! I taught Savannah carrying today. She just doesn't have a brain for math. It doesn't come naturally to her like reading and language do...and she isn't quite grasping the concepts that our current math curriculum is trying to teach, so we went for the old fashioned "line the numbers up and add from right to left, carrying when necessary". What's wrong with that method anyway?? I don't quite understand why math has to be made so complicated. I'm hoping that simplifying it will help her out a bit. By the end of our lesson, she was doing great.
Well, tomorrow is my least-favorite holiday of the year: Halloween. I'm excited to see what my girls come up with for costumes though. I decided that I will NOT spend money on costumes, so they can pick and choose from what they have in their closets...it should be fun. Of course we have dress up clothes from years ago too, so I think we're going to see if we can find the old bumble bee costume for Luke! It should be cute. I'll take photos and post them soon.
Well, since I'm not Miss. Energy these days, I had better take a shower and hit the hay. I'll go to bed tonight counting my blessings (of which there are many) and trying to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, and His wonderful plans for a hope and a future for this family...and pray that I might be able to stay positive and endure these current hardships with JOY, knowing that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Good Reason to Resume Posting
I have to thank Facebook for my lack of posting on here...it's just so easy to go to Facebook, post a sentence or two and receive (almost) instant feedback. It cannot replace, however, the depth of a blog...nor the ability to go back in time and see what was happening in my life days, months or even years ago like I can do here. Soooo, that being said, I'm going to have to make the time to start blogging again because of the fact that I'm PREGNANT again! We just found out on Saturday (Oct. 3, 2009). I took a test to "prove" to my husband that I wasn't pregnant. He was teasing that every time he is deployed, I get pregnant. He's due to deploy for 5 months on October 21st. I wasn't happy with the laugh he got about "how funny would it be if...", so I took a pregnancy test to put my mind at ease (not to mention we're moving and I wanted "permission" to get rid of all of my baby stuff). Let's just say that I was a tad bit surprised when that pink line showed up! God has a very funny sense of humor, and although I do not understand why He does this, I trust that His plan is perfect and that this experience will lead me to lean on Him more and more...and that is always a good thing.
So, I'm 5 weeks pregnant today...I'd ideally like to update this every week with symptoms, news, etc. on this pregnancy. Last time I started blogging during my pregnancy and it's so fun to go back and read what was going on...but this time I think I'm starting earlier and maybe after 4 pregnancies, I'll be able to fully document the process to my satisfaction!
So far I don't have any real symptoms...but from what I remember, they don't start kicking in for me for another couple of weeks...which is fantastic because we're MOVING...and I need the energy to get things done. I have been craving salt a lot, but other than that...well, other than that and 3 + pregnancy tests, there isn't a whole lot telling me that I truly AM pregnant...which is right on target for what's "normal" for me.
Well, I've got lots of packing and cleaning to do...until next time...
So, I'm 5 weeks pregnant today...I'd ideally like to update this every week with symptoms, news, etc. on this pregnancy. Last time I started blogging during my pregnancy and it's so fun to go back and read what was going on...but this time I think I'm starting earlier and maybe after 4 pregnancies, I'll be able to fully document the process to my satisfaction!
So far I don't have any real symptoms...but from what I remember, they don't start kicking in for me for another couple of weeks...which is fantastic because we're MOVING...and I need the energy to get things done. I have been craving salt a lot, but other than that...well, other than that and 3 + pregnancy tests, there isn't a whole lot telling me that I truly AM pregnant...which is right on target for what's "normal" for me.
Well, I've got lots of packing and cleaning to do...until next time...
Friday, July 24, 2009
While the girls are away...
Since the girls have been at VBS all week, Luke and I have had some nice quality time together. Wednesday we went on a nature hike. We saw a sharp-shinned hawk and lots of lizards. I taught Luke what star-thistle is as I stepped on it while trying to (unsuccessfully) catch a lizard for him. It was a fun hike though, it was very nice spending time with my little guy.
Yesterday he and I went to the civic center park in San Rafael. It's right by the church where the girls were having VBS, so I thought it'd be a fun place to play with Luke. There are always lots of birds there and Luke is an avid birdie-chaser! As we were heading down the path for a little walk, we saw in one of the little man-made ponds, a few baby "duckings" (as Luke calls them).
4 babies
Momma watches over the babes
Luke got his fill of birdie chasing (we found out that pigeons are the best for chasing because they don't fly far). As we were walking and looking, we saw a big rat on the shore, but it hid in the bushes before we could look at it...and then we saw a muskrat swimming in the water! How fun! This park is always fun because we've seen many different critters. Usually it's just interesting birds, but we have seen turtles in the past and now I know there are rats and muskrats! Kinda cool!!
Here are some photos of Luke, just being his cute self.
Yesterday he and I went to the civic center park in San Rafael. It's right by the church where the girls were having VBS, so I thought it'd be a fun place to play with Luke. There are always lots of birds there and Luke is an avid birdie-chaser! As we were heading down the path for a little walk, we saw in one of the little man-made ponds, a few baby "duckings" (as Luke calls them).
4 babies
Momma watches over the babes
Luke got his fill of birdie chasing (we found out that pigeons are the best for chasing because they don't fly far). As we were walking and looking, we saw a big rat on the shore, but it hid in the bushes before we could look at it...and then we saw a muskrat swimming in the water! How fun! This park is always fun because we've seen many different critters. Usually it's just interesting birds, but we have seen turtles in the past and now I know there are rats and muskrats! Kinda cool!!
Here are some photos of Luke, just being his cute self.
VBS, and Camping again!
The girls have had VBS all week long and they've been enjoying it immensely! They're very sad that it's over today, but it's also water day, which means big water slides and all kinds of fun. They also get to bring home everything they've worked on all week and they'll have a lunch for all of the children and their parents. Jeremy is off of work today too, so that'll be nice for him to see all the children singing and dancing to their VBS songs!
Although the girls will be sad that this week is over...
Jeremy is taking them camping again this weekend at Samuel P. Taylor State Park. I'm very excited because this time they'll be close enough for us to come visit! My parents are also coming down today...today is their 35th wedding anniversary and my dad's 56th birthday! So we're going to have a very fun weekend.
Although the girls will be sad that this week is over...
Jeremy is taking them camping again this weekend at Samuel P. Taylor State Park. I'm very excited because this time they'll be close enough for us to come visit! My parents are also coming down today...today is their 35th wedding anniversary and my dad's 56th birthday! So we're going to have a very fun weekend.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Jeremy took the girls camping, so it's just Luke and me here. He is still asleep and I really should be doing something incredibly productive, but as usual, my mind is FULL of things to do and I don't know where to begin. I was thinking of consolidating all of my blogs to one central location, but I don't know if that's the best thing to do. I have my homeschool blog, my family blog, my "spiritual" blog which is currently private and I'd like to add some more home-making stuff to a blog too. I like the idea of having one place that I can log into and blog and then be done. However, I'm not sure that starting over and bringing all the old posts to one place would be the best option. So I think I'll start NOW and start using those cool "label" things so I can sort posts by topic. Hey, I guess that's why they make those labels! Some of us are slow learners! :)
Savannah and I finished "Little Town on the Prairie" yesterday. I cannot believe we have only 2 books in the entire Little House series left. I cannot recommend these books more highly, they are absolutely fantastic! I always have to promise Savannah that I will NOT read ahead without her...and that keeps me excited about our daily read-aloud time. Whenever we have a spare few moments, we look at eachother and run to the sofa for just ONE more chapter (or 2 or 3, depending on how much time we have). I had never read these as a child, so I'm making up for lost time now. I'm very excited about this homeschooling journey, I'm truly enjoying all of the things I'm learning from it. It's nice to start out in kindergarten again, I really needed that! Okay, I must get moving...so many interests, so little time.
Savannah and I finished "Little Town on the Prairie" yesterday. I cannot believe we have only 2 books in the entire Little House series left. I cannot recommend these books more highly, they are absolutely fantastic! I always have to promise Savannah that I will NOT read ahead without her...and that keeps me excited about our daily read-aloud time. Whenever we have a spare few moments, we look at eachother and run to the sofa for just ONE more chapter (or 2 or 3, depending on how much time we have). I had never read these as a child, so I'm making up for lost time now. I'm very excited about this homeschooling journey, I'm truly enjoying all of the things I'm learning from it. It's nice to start out in kindergarten again, I really needed that! Okay, I must get moving...so many interests, so little time.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Luke's new "word"
Just today Luke started saying, "Yeah" instead of just saying "Uh Huh" when he is answering an affirmative. It's very cute..."Luke do you want that?", "Yeah". It'd be nice if he'd say, "Yes Mommy", and if you tell him to he WILL say, "Yes Mommy Dearest", but it's not his natural response. For now I guess I'll have to be happy with a simple, "Yeah".
A Very Eventful Day
Today we decided to do something fun. It has been a while since we've gone to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, and since they let us in for free, we (my friend Jessye and I) decided we had better take advantage before school gets out and it's too busy to be fun. The children had a great time and got LOTS of playing in. Savannah really enjoyed chasing the over-abundant pigeons around, Luke loved the outdoor play area and Abby said her favorite was the moon sand table in the art room. Yes, a good time was had by all. I even made a thermos full of hot cocoa for all of the kids (and chai for us moms!). We got home just before 3 and I put Luke to bed for his nap. For some reason he just would NOT go to sleep this afternoon. It was very frustrating, but I do realize that when he's had a very exciting morning and only has an hour or so to wind down AND nap, I can't expect much. While I was sitting at the computer, taking my afternoon email check time, I heard Abby SCREAM. She's a little overly dramatic on a good day, but this was a serious scream. She came running upstairs and there was blood dripping like mad from her hand. She was too hysterical to tell me what had happened...and I had to pray to stay calm and try to get her calm. I threw a clean washcloth over the bleeding finger and held it to get the bleeding to subside before taking a closer look. I finally got out of her that she had stuck her finger into the paper shredder and her friend turned it on! EEK! When I looked at her finger, I guessed the story was accurate from the deep wound on her finger. Thankfully it was nearly 4 and I knew Jeremy would be walking through the door at any moment...as soon as he did (it couldn't have been more than a minute or two), I handed Abby off to him so I could change my blood-stained shirt and take her to the E.R.. On the way there I kept telling her to take deep breaths and telling her that when this was all over, she'd be joking about it and telling her friends how cool it was that she had stitches. She didn't believe me. She was SO upset...and rightfully so, finger cuts HURT! Once we got into the hospital and she got settled, she really calmed down. The doctor was in very quickly and got her all shot up with lidocaine (which she thought was a blast because not only did it make her finger very numb, it also made it very plump). After that, it was all fun and games! She didn't mind looking at her finger at all. The doctor came in, gave her 7 stitches and she was good to go. And as I said, as soon as we got home, she had to go tell ALL of her friends about her adventure! What a sport! :)
And last but not least (well, maybe least), we have yet another batch of house finch babies that have hatched in our bathroom window. I found eggs the other day when the girls were SO upset because we had barn swallows nesting under our balcony and I sprayed the beginnings of the nests down because I didn't want a huge mess over our garage...and the girls were very upset because they really wanted to see the eggs hatch and all...but God is so good and for some reason I peeked out of our bathroom window and sure enough, there was a fresh batch of finch eggs (the second batch this spring!). When we checked them this evening we opened the window to a nest full of tiny, half-naked, fuzzy little finch babies. How sweet!
Here are some photos from the Discovery Museum today:
And last but not least (well, maybe least), we have yet another batch of house finch babies that have hatched in our bathroom window. I found eggs the other day when the girls were SO upset because we had barn swallows nesting under our balcony and I sprayed the beginnings of the nests down because I didn't want a huge mess over our garage...and the girls were very upset because they really wanted to see the eggs hatch and all...but God is so good and for some reason I peeked out of our bathroom window and sure enough, there was a fresh batch of finch eggs (the second batch this spring!). When we checked them this evening we opened the window to a nest full of tiny, half-naked, fuzzy little finch babies. How sweet!
Here are some photos from the Discovery Museum today:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!
My sweet Luke turns 2 today!!
It's so fun to think back, 2 years ago today, my brother was here, my parents were here and Luke was NOT! I have a blog entry from that night when my labor started and then stopped and I felt like I let everyone down, especially when I had them drive for 2.5 hours at 3am! Oops! Oh well...2 years ago today we headed to the hospital to see what the doctor would say, I WAS in labor, just starting out. I remember clearly when the doctor said we could go ahead and induce--I mean, that WAS the reason I went to the hospital--to meet my precious baby son, but the thought of having another baby, of my girls not being my only ones anymore made me cry. Sure, I was a hormonal, extremely pregnant woman who was up most of the night, so not really in my right mind. We decided to induce and at 9:18pm, my sweet baby boy was born. Oh what a joy! He is the sweetest, most wonderful baby boy any mommy could ever imagine. These two years have passed so quickly and they've been so much fun watching the girls interact with him, watching him develop and see his unique "boy" traits...and man are they obvious!! For example: Luke LOVES the lawnmower. The second he hears it, he's running for HIS lawnmower to "help" me cut the grass. He rides with Jeremy on the riding lawnmower and they've started a little business cutting the neighbors grass...Luke is in heaven helping daddy. He makes car noises like a champ, he loves anything with wheels--and he refers to them as "Beep-Beep's", he also beeps when he backs up or when anything he's playing backs up, just like a big truck. He knows the names of many things, but generally calls them by the sounds they make: a chicken is a "bock-bock" and duck is a "quack-quack", the cat is a "meow". He does call birds "birdies", so we're getting there. He's starting to say a lot more, but he's definitely not a talker, especially not compared to the girls, but as they say, you cannot compare boys and girls...they're totally different and I'm so blessed to have both. Here are some photos of Luke from birth thru now. Enjoy!!
It's so fun to think back, 2 years ago today, my brother was here, my parents were here and Luke was NOT! I have a blog entry from that night when my labor started and then stopped and I felt like I let everyone down, especially when I had them drive for 2.5 hours at 3am! Oops! Oh well...2 years ago today we headed to the hospital to see what the doctor would say, I WAS in labor, just starting out. I remember clearly when the doctor said we could go ahead and induce--I mean, that WAS the reason I went to the hospital--to meet my precious baby son, but the thought of having another baby, of my girls not being my only ones anymore made me cry. Sure, I was a hormonal, extremely pregnant woman who was up most of the night, so not really in my right mind. We decided to induce and at 9:18pm, my sweet baby boy was born. Oh what a joy! He is the sweetest, most wonderful baby boy any mommy could ever imagine. These two years have passed so quickly and they've been so much fun watching the girls interact with him, watching him develop and see his unique "boy" traits...and man are they obvious!! For example: Luke LOVES the lawnmower. The second he hears it, he's running for HIS lawnmower to "help" me cut the grass. He rides with Jeremy on the riding lawnmower and they've started a little business cutting the neighbors grass...Luke is in heaven helping daddy. He makes car noises like a champ, he loves anything with wheels--and he refers to them as "Beep-Beep's", he also beeps when he backs up or when anything he's playing backs up, just like a big truck. He knows the names of many things, but generally calls them by the sounds they make: a chicken is a "bock-bock" and duck is a "quack-quack", the cat is a "meow". He does call birds "birdies", so we're getting there. He's starting to say a lot more, but he's definitely not a talker, especially not compared to the girls, but as they say, you cannot compare boys and girls...they're totally different and I'm so blessed to have both. Here are some photos of Luke from birth thru now. Enjoy!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Actually the homeschool blog I'm doing is going to be A Charlotte Mason Education. Yes, anyone can go to this and see what we're learning. I'm trying to write up a curriculum of sorts...more for my own benefit, but also if it helps someone else learn new stuff, that's wonderful too! I'm just getting started with the homeschool blog, so bear with me, eventually I hope to have book lists and experiments and all that wonderful stuff...but ya know, with 3 children, time is a bit limited at times...and when it's not, brain power is hard to come by!
Yes, I'm still around...
...and still busy.
My efforts have been aimed elsewhere lately, but I'm trying to get back into the blogosphere. It's important to me that I do chronicle our daily lives, but I've not made it a priority. Right now I'm working on our homeschool blog godsawesomecreation.blogspot.com and hoping to get a clear outline of what we're doing homeschooling-wise as well as providing a place to compile pertinant information about what we're learning...so bear with me. If you're reading this, leave me a comment...
My efforts have been aimed elsewhere lately, but I'm trying to get back into the blogosphere. It's important to me that I do chronicle our daily lives, but I've not made it a priority. Right now I'm working on our homeschool blog godsawesomecreation.blogspot.com and hoping to get a clear outline of what we're doing homeschooling-wise as well as providing a place to compile pertinant information about what we're learning...so bear with me. If you're reading this, leave me a comment...
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