Monday, April 30, 2012
More Baby Cuteness
Savannah got this sombrero from Chevy's the other night when we went out for her birthday dinner. It was one of those things when they come to your table and sing and all, she loves that. Ever since we got this hat, it's been a favorite of the babies! Silly babies. On the "silly baby" note, I just wanted to note here how absolutely darling these babies are together. They have such a close bond and it is such a privilege to see them interact the way they's very similar to what I'd expect if they were actually twins, other than the fact that Aaron uses his larger size to dominate Lilah, which does not please her in the slightest. Last night Lilah was fussy and wanting to go to bed, but I had a couple of things I needed to do to get her ready, so I put her on the floor with her bottle. She picked it up and Aaron came into the room with HIS bottle. He sat down next to her and grabbed a light up toothbrush that was on the floor and made it start flashing it's light. He stuck it to the floor with the suction cup it has on the end of it...and he and Lilah sat there contentedly sucking on their bottles and watching the toothbrush. It was SO darling. They were both happy until we were able to get them to bed. It's so sweet how they entertain each other.
Out of Control Cuteness
Lilah is absolutely too darling. Not only is she cute, but she has a awesome personality...always full of giggles and silliness. I love this little girl!
Friday, April 20, 2012
We Have a Toofer!
My baby girl has her first tooth!! It's just popped through the gums...actually, I'm pretty sure it's the bottom TWO teeth. They're not super noticeable yet, but they've definitely broken through! Yay!!
For the record, Aaron got HIS first tooth at 10 months, 1 week and 6 days old...Lilah is 10 months and 5 days old, so she beat him by 1 week and 1 day. :) Luke was a whopping 1 year, 1 week and 1 day old!!! I have the girls' dates written down in their baby books, but I don't know exactly where those are at this moment. This is why I love keeping a blog, it's so fun to go back and compare and it's all in one place!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Class Clown
Aaron is a TOTAL goof-ball. He loves to make silly faces and make us all laugh, it's one of his favorite past times. Tonight I could resist no longer and finally got the camera out and caught some of his crazy faces. His most famous are his "scardey" face and his "stinker" face. See if you can guess which ones are which! :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
My How the Time Flies!!
Lilah is now 10 months old and Aaron is 22 months old...they are getting SO big! I cannot believe that in a very short while they'll be 1 and 2 years old. It's really not right how fast it all happens. They are learning so many new and wonderful things. Aaron is an AMAZING talker. He speaks so well and so clearly. One of my favorite things he says these days is, "You see that???" He says it when he sees or does something extraordinarily awesome. The other day the big ones were gone and he said, "Pray", so he folded his hands and prayed...he said, "Abby, Li-Li, Abby, Amen", which means, "Dear Lord, please watch over Savannah and Lukie and Abby, Amen". It was SO sweet. He says, "Ha-New" when he wants to be held. We figure it means, "I want you". I know if the big kids were awake they could help me think of other darling things he says, I may have to ask them to contribute to my list tomorrow. He is still a handful. He's just one of those children who aren't overtly happy. Don't get me wrong, he's plenty joyful...and full of life and vigor...but he's very strong-willed and easily frustrated. He still cries a lot over little things, especially when he doesn't get his own way. I've been working on this as he's getting to the age where he should be expected to exercise a small amount of self control, and it's my job to help instill that into him. Being that there are many people in this family and everyone has their own desires, he doesn't always get his own way, which makes for some very fussy times. He's also been fighting something for the past week. He had a fever, he's been sleeping poorly at night, but napping a LOT during the day, to the point where he just falls asleep where he's sitting and hasn't been eating much. It so sad when our little ones aren't feeling their best. I can tell he's getting better, but he's definitely not back to 100% yet. Lilah also had a bit of a fever and was sleeping a LOT, but she's been back to her jolly self for a while now--she's also sleeping well at night, and I'm SURE that's got a lot to do with why she's feeling better.
So Lilah is getting very big also. There are no new really big developmental things going on at the very moment. Not physically at least. She's still pulling herself up and crawling everywhere. She is still working on those two bottom teeth. You can see them very clearly now, but they have not popped through just yet. She waves "hi" and "bye-bye" and "Night-night" now. She even says, "Ni-Ni" while she waves...then she throws her head back and giggles and makes her sweet little lambie noise. I have got to get her noise on video, it is the sweetest sound in the world! She also makes kissy noises. If you make a kiss noise at her, she'll smack her lips in response, it is absolutely darling. Her personality is the antithesis of Aarons. She is SO incredibly joyful. She wakes up smiling and giggling, she doesn't cry much, although she is very much a princess and does not take kindly to any kind of unkind she can be a bit of a fusser when it comes to things not going her way. She has also started throwing little temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way or when someone "wrongs" her. It's pretty silly. She is an absolute snuggler, but she is also quite independent. Today, while I was cleaning up the yard and getting the garbage out, she must have sat in pretty much the same spot for nearly 2 hours, playing with a box of crackers. She could have crawled wherever she wanted, but she was perfectly content just sitting in the same area (she moved within about a 5' radius), playing and watching Daddy pressure wash the cars. She didn't fuss once. I just love how God does that--He's given us a child who is more of a challenge, and then He's blessed us with one who is incredibly easy. I pray that He will see fit to give us another relatively easy one next since Aaron is still quite high maintenance, but I know whoever this little blessing is is the perfect fit for our family.
So Lilah is getting very big also. There are no new really big developmental things going on at the very moment. Not physically at least. She's still pulling herself up and crawling everywhere. She is still working on those two bottom teeth. You can see them very clearly now, but they have not popped through just yet. She waves "hi" and "bye-bye" and "Night-night" now. She even says, "Ni-Ni" while she waves...then she throws her head back and giggles and makes her sweet little lambie noise. I have got to get her noise on video, it is the sweetest sound in the world! She also makes kissy noises. If you make a kiss noise at her, she'll smack her lips in response, it is absolutely darling. Her personality is the antithesis of Aarons. She is SO incredibly joyful. She wakes up smiling and giggling, she doesn't cry much, although she is very much a princess and does not take kindly to any kind of unkind she can be a bit of a fusser when it comes to things not going her way. She has also started throwing little temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way or when someone "wrongs" her. It's pretty silly. She is an absolute snuggler, but she is also quite independent. Today, while I was cleaning up the yard and getting the garbage out, she must have sat in pretty much the same spot for nearly 2 hours, playing with a box of crackers. She could have crawled wherever she wanted, but she was perfectly content just sitting in the same area (she moved within about a 5' radius), playing and watching Daddy pressure wash the cars. She didn't fuss once. I just love how God does that--He's given us a child who is more of a challenge, and then He's blessed us with one who is incredibly easy. I pray that He will see fit to give us another relatively easy one next since Aaron is still quite high maintenance, but I know whoever this little blessing is is the perfect fit for our family.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Little Sweetie isn't feeling so well. :(
We had a very busy weekend. Lilah was wonderful. She slept great and tolerated all of the travel and company very well...but the little pumpkin is getting her first teeth and today it all caught up to her. First, she slept in until almost 8am. She was SO ready for a nap at 9:30am. I had to wake her at a quarter till noon. By 2pm she fell asleep in Jeremy's arms. On the drive home she slept almost the entire time. When we got home, she fell asleep in MY arms. I'm praying that she sleeps well tonight and that she's feeling better tomorrow. It'd be fun if she had a tooth to show for all of this hard work too!

My Big Helpers!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Lilah's practice has paid off
Lilah is officially an expert at pulling herself up and getting gracefully back down. I always find it amazing how babies will practice a new skill over and over and over until they have it perfected. She does it so effortlessly now that's amazing to think that just a short while ago it was a big effort for her to pull herself up. It's kinda fun to see her standing up and exploring her world from a new angle. She has even walked a short distance while holding onto a piece of furniture. It'll be fun to see how long it takes her to figure out this whole walking thing...I have a feeling she's going to get it a lot earlier than my other babies!
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