My dream is to start a blog where I share recipes, craft ideas, pictures, etc., etc....but I also know myself and know that although I dream big, I don't accomplish a fraction of what I scheme. So for now I'll make a quick note of RECENT events as a record, and as I become inspired, perhaps my future will become more clear.
Liberty has recently started crawling. All of my other babies went through a process...first they got on their hands and knees and started rocking. Then they'd start to scootch backwards before they'd finally figure out the whole forward crawling thing. I've also had a wide variety of types of crawlers...the textbook, the stink bug, the army man, etc. Liberty, however, started in her very own way. First I was noting that although she had been able to roll over when she was smaller, now she is stuck if she is put on her back. I'm still swaddling her at 10 months old. She likes it, what can I say? I don't know if that has anything to do with it, or if it's just her docile personality. But, she was able to get from sitting to her tummy and back to sitting all on her own. None of my other babies could do that before they could crawl. One day she got on her tummy and she was wearing nothing but a diaper and she just got up and started to crawl. Just a perfect little textbook, wind-up toy crawl. Now she's all OVER the place! She also appears to be getting a couple of teeth. Nothing has popped through yet, but she's on her way. Liberty is a WONDERFUL, sweet, fantasticly awesome baby. She sleeps well, smiles all the time, giggles at all the right moments. She's just a HUGE blessing. She is around 23 lbs as well, a very big girl! I bought her some 9 month clothes and had to go back almost immediately and upgrade to bigger ones!! :)
Well time with the family is pulling me away at this it should be. I'll write more later. At least I hope I will.