I have a friend who is an avid blogger. In fact, she's one of the original bloggers, I'm sure. When I met her, I hadn't even heard of the term, so of course I had no clue what she was talking about. When I first visited her blog, I was impressed. Not only is she an awesome writer, but what a novel idea! Blogging! It's been nearly 3 years since I met her, and I've wanted to start a blog of my own for at least that long and here I am, finally getting started. As most of you know, I designed a web page for our family...one with photos, updates, etc...but I've been having a really hard time keeping it updated because it's not the most user-friendly format. So when my blogger friend sent me the link to her blog, I thought, "HEY! Why not sign up for an account of my own and finally get started??" So here I am, with renewed hopes of keeping family and friends up to date with the happenings of our little, but rapidly growing (some of us more than others!) family as well as keeping myself on task with recording the cute and funny and annoying things our children do!
**Word of Warning**
I'm not a fabulous writer. I'd love to be. I know many people who are, but I am NOT one of them. I majored in SCIENCE for a reason!! However, if you can bear with that fact, I do hope you will enjoy my blog and my never-ending pursuit of keeping everyone (especially myself!) up to date!
**Recent News**
We've made our first official move into becoming a family of 5. We've purchased a MINIVAN! We knew we wouldn't have enough room in my Camry for 3 children, and honestly, I've wanted a minivan for quite some time...but we finally took the plunge and bought it yesterday. It's a 2004 Honda Odyssey and it's beautiful! It's all leather inside, has heated seats (ahhhh!) and a dvd player so the kids can watch movies on long trips! We are VERY excited! It's so spacious and a total pleasure to drive...and best of all, the Lord truly blessed us with the deal we got on it. For some odd reason, this car was $5000 under blue book, so I believe that it's nothing short of an answer to prayer. We went out driving last night and Jeremy and I both agreed that we feel like we're "rich" driving a car like this...it's much nicer than I would ever have expected to be able to afford! I'll post photos a bit later (once I get this whole blog thing figured out!).
I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant...where has the time gone?? This is by far the fastest pregnancy yet and it's kinda scary. Next week my dad is going to take the girls for a couple of days and we'll be setting up the "girls room" and the "nursery" while they're gone. It's a very strange thought, but one that's getting easier to conceptualize every day. I think once the rooms are situated it'll all start to become more real. Baby Luke is a little wiggle worm. He loves to wiggle and kick all the time. He's always on my right side for some reason and also seems to be kinda shy. Everytime I tell someone to feel him kick, he stops! Little turkey! Abby and Savannah are getting excited about "Baby Luke" and they love to pet and kiss my tummy and say hello to him. It's very sweet. Our neighbor has a 6 week old and Savannah and Abby have been getting their baby-holding practice in.
I'll be writing more soon...Jeremy just got home from work, so it's back to reality for me!!
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