Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Nothing to report.
I went to the doctor yesterday and I cancelled my induction for the 24th. I'm ready for a baby, but not ready to "make" him come if he's not ready yet. I'm not in any hurry to miss out on sleep and free time. The doctor did a check and I'm 2cm dialated adn 50% effaced. He stripped my membranes (a procedure that's supposed to help move things along a bit) and then we scheduled my appointment for next week. So if he doesn't arrive by NEXT week, I have to go to the doctor again next wednesday. I have to be honest, there is nothing particularly wonderful about going to the OB every week. But whatever it takes. Luke is still pretty active. It seems as if he's slowed down a bit, but he'll stretch and wiggle and get going and I'm really going to miss those wiggles. But it will be nice to have a face to put with these silly movements!
Today is a lovely day, it's warm, sunny and just plain gorgeous. I love this time of year. It's so nice, after the rain, to have some sunshine again. We only had one day of rain, but I tell ya, it was enough. I'm very sensitive to my UV therapy. If I don't get sun, I can get into a very bad mood. Especially at this point in my life. So today we have to run to the store and then come home and I'll watch the girls play outside and soak up some rays! Savannah and Abby told me this was the day Luke would be born. So far there is NOTHING going I'm not sure about their "intuition", but we'll see. Anything could happen.
The girls brought snack to AWANA last night. It's so cute how something as simple as bringing snack makes children so excited. They were so proud of the snack we brought (cookies made with Easter colored M&M's, Cheez-Its and Apple Juice). I almost wish we had to bring snack more than once a year!
Savannah has been wanting to wear panties to bed recently. I usually put her in pull-ups at night time just to be safe. She's a very deep sleeper and we've just found out recently that she's a bit of a sleep-walker as well. She gets up to go potty, and when she's in a very deep sleep, she often ends up in strange places. The night before last I heard a rukus. I went upstairs and she was standing inside of her bedroom door. Just standing there. I asked her if she had to go potty, or if she was wet and she didn't answer me. I took her to the potty and sure enough, she was soaked. I changed her clothes and had her wash her hands and she just stood there shaking and giggling like she was dreaming of something. I got her dressed, cleaned up the puddle on the floor and I actually had to lift her and put her in bed. She was totally asleep the entire time. Even though I told her to climb into bed, she didn't do it. It's such a strange thing. One night (I'm not sure if I already shared this), I found her in the rocking chair in Luke's room, half naked and wimpering like a lost puppy. It's like she's awake enough to get up to go potty--even if she doesn't make it--and then she is asleep and doesn't quite know what to do with herself. Poor baby, it's comical, but also kinda sad because it must be rather strange. She doesn't remember any of it the next morning either.
Well, I should probably get a start on my day--considering it's nearly 10am--but I feel rather uninspired to do anything other than sleep today, I'm rather tired...but must go on.

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