Today Jeremy's brother and his family came to visit. It was so good to see them. It had actually been over a year since we last saw them, even though they live about an hour away...we all have busy schedules and sometimes we just don't make the time to get together, so it was wonderful when they asked if they could come over for a visit! I really appreciate that they came to our home as it is always nightmarish travelling on the bay area roads--especially on the weekends. The girls had a great time playing together (their daughter is almost the same age as Savannah) and we grown ups had a great time visiting. My sister-in-law is a photographer and she snapped quite a few photos of the children, so I can't wait to see her photos. I almost didn't get any photos today. I was feeling lazy. I asked if I could use one of her photos instead, but that would have been cheating. I finally got my camera out after the sun had gone behind the hill...and somehow I managed to add up 111 photos on my card by the time I called it quits. I got quite a few good ones today, but I'll just share the ones of their family for today...I need to hit the hay.
It still amazes me when I see Jeremy's brother as a grown man...I've known him since he was 13 and it blows me away that he's a MAN now...weird.

By the way, this was their first time meeting Lilah, and the last time they saw Aaron, he was only 4 months old!! Time sure slips away quickly!
Proud Auntie with her baby niece.

The girls.
The girls look like they were having fun. It must have been a beautiful day because they are all wearing short sleeves. Not so warm here in VA.
When Savannah heard that it was snowing there she said, "Ohhhh, I want to live somewhere where it snows!!!" Yes, it's been beautiful here, but in a different way, of course!
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