Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Funny Abby-ism.

My dad is constantly lamenting the fact that the girls never seem to have time for him. They're busy kids, and talking on the phone is not their forte. Give Papa to them in person and they're on him like velcro, but the phone is different. They have to focus and not play. So yesterday Abby is talking to my dad on the phone and she gets distracted...she looks at the phone and says to herself, "Hmmmm....where's the Pause button?" Like she's just going to put my dad on PAUSE while she continues doing what she's doing. Silly girl. Wouldn't it be nice if life worked like that though? I'd love the opportunity to put everything on pause for a good week...get caught up, organized, rested. *Sigh* I guess "pause" is retirement...the time will come one day...when I'm not so needy for it anymore! Isn't that just the way it works? I was thinking about that the other day...our church has so many WOMEN'S programs. Yes, they're fine and dandy, but many of them don't have childcare. What do we ladies with small children do? We don't go. And we're the most needy at this point in our lives. I do have to praise God for the chaotic life of early mommy-hood though, because what better way to truly appreciate time (or lack thereof) and how quickly it slips through our fingers...and how non-essential it really is to have a SPARKLING clean home...or complete sanity for that matter. If we weren't half insane, perhaps we'd just be housework drones who were no fun to our kids...who said partial insanity is all that bad? It just helps me to keep it real...to focus on the simple pleasures in life.


Karen said...

Love it! I'm not a "phone" person either so maybe she gets that from me,lol. Love, Mom

~*~Janelle~*~ said...

Neither am I...it's weird though because it seems as if I spend a whole lot of time on it!!

~*~Janelle~*~ said...

By the way, I'm so happy to see you commenting!! :)

Karen said...

Thanks! I finally figured out what my password was and wrote it down,lol.